
Contracts are the backbone of any business relationship.

In order for the legal reality to coincide with the requirements of your company and to be reflected in your agreements, knowing your industry is important to us.

We like what you do and ensure that you have fair and economically sound protection. In the run-up to contract negotiations, we are happy to examine and clarify all necessary rights and the existence of industrial property rights. In this way we position you resiliently for further steps in your business.

We believe that it is worthwhile to also understand the concerns of the contractual partner, because contracts concluded with this approach tend to last longer. And we are nevertheless proud when we achieve conditions for you that are above those customary in the industry.

We draft and review

  • Trademark Licences
  • Non-disclosure Agreements
  • Contracts for the transfer of industrial property rights
  • Franchise Agreements
  • Framework agreements
  • Event contracts
  • Cooperation agreements
  • Director and Screenplay contracts
  • Model Releases
  • Author and publishing contracts
  • Advertising film contracts
  • Performance contracts