
Provider within the meaning of the Telemedia Act
and responsible person within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation

Andreas Schulte

GREENFIELD IP Schulte law office

Johannes-Brahms-Platz 1
20355 Hamburg
Deutschland (GERMANY)

Telephone +49 (0) 40 357539-99

Tax office Hamburg-Mitte
VAT ID DE167889558

Our chamber designation (professional supervision):

Hanseatische Rechtsanwaltskammer
Bleichenbrücke 9
D-20354 Hamburg

Telephone: +49 40 357441-0
Telefax: +49 40 357441-41


Our legal professional title:

“Lawyer” in the Federal Republic of Germany
The relevant professional regulations pursuant to § 5 TMG are:

  • Federal Lawyers’ Act
  • Professional code of conduct
  • Specialist Lawyers’ Act
  • Lawyers’ Fees Act
  • Code of Conduct for Lawyers in the European Community (International Legal Relations)

For the content of the aforementioned norms, we refer to the website of the Federal Bar Association (, The Federal Lawyers’ Act (BRAO) is published in the Federal Law Gazette and is available in bookshops as a text edition.

Our professional liability insurance:

Gothaer Allgemeine Versicherung AG
Gothaer Allee 1
50969 Köln
Territorial scope: in the entire EU territory and the states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. The insurance cover does not apply to liability claims arising from activities a) through law firms or offices established or maintained in other states, b) in connection with the provision of advice and dealing with non-European law or c) of the lawyer before non-European courts.

Out-of-court dispute resolution:

Should disputes arise between lawyers and their clients, it is possible to apply for out-of-court dispute resolution at the regional bar association in Hamburg (pursuant to Section 73 (2) no. 3 in conjunction with Section 73 (5) BRAO) or at the arbitration board of the legal profession (Section 191 et seq. BRAO) at the Federal Bar Association, which can be found on the internet via the homepage of the Federal Bar Association (, e-mail:

Responsible in the sense of § 55 II RSTV: Andreas Schulte, Kehrwieder 8, 20457 Hamburg.