
Our clients lead their businesses with commitment and creativity – and increasingly find that the “copying honours the master”.
This may sound playful but in today’s knowledge society it has a tangible economic impact:
If the contracts with developers for programming software are not clearly defined, their temporary injunction may paralyse an entire company, the warning against an illegal reproduction of a table may stop distribution at all trade levels right before Christmas, a film may not be broadcasted because rights have not been sufficiently clarified.

We address these complex issues, including those of the digital business and social media world, with our “GREENFIELD all-rounder”: our copyright lawyers bring expertise of 10 years of litigation in copyright law, 20 years of copyright contract law and 30 years of experience as judges to the table. Copyright law is as colourful as those it protects.

Therefore please contact us as well for

  • Advice on film and advertising law
  • Drafting of cooperation agreements
  • Advice and litigation on copyright infringements in the advertising, furniture and entertainment sectors
  • Expert opinions in database manufacturer law
  • Representation in cease-and-desist letters
  • Protection of compositions, light installations
  • Licence agreements
  • Workshops and lectures, for example in marketing law